Sponsor school breakfast

For 1 euro per child per week

Our focus

We focus on the sustainable development of under privileged communities and school children in Malawi. We found that Malawi can developwith the help of Moringa and sustainable, organic farming techniques.

Help out!

Sponsor a school in Malawi

With the financial support of sponsors, we can start the School Feeding Programme at more schools in Malawi. Do you want to contribute to this? Sponsor a school for 1 euro per child per week, until the school is self-sufficient after 3 years.

Sponsor a school
About us

This is important to us

Sustainable agriculture

Etiam pretium nibh eros, sed faucibus erat condimentum gravida. Suspension potency. Integer sed orci ac justo ultrscelerisque quis sed dui.

Healthy food

Phasellus ultrices augue lectus, non bibendum massa laccinia id. In blandit, urna id tincidunt pretium, justo justo placerat mauris, ut pharetra magna dolor eu urna.

Education and Development

Aenean elementum finibus purus is called condimentum. Ut ultrünülüßt velit magna, non elementum neque sagittis volutpat. Phasellus molested augue from pretium diaculis.

Want to know more about our activities in Malawi?

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